The Business Protection Suite has been created as a SME offering for Africa to protect your business as broadly and securely as possible.
4 in 1? Get a little wiser about the different abbreviations!
We have collected these services because together they make up a complete IT solution for companies. It is especially aimed at companies seeking to optimise safety and continuity. Business Protection Suite consists of:
Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS)
This solution can be agent-based, and so we can back up physical endpoints such as Windows & Linux servers as well as cloud backup of virtual servers - both VMware, Hyper-V and cloud environments such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud. It is possible to make a complete copy of your servers so that they can be recreated with us if anything happens. It ensures your data 100% - even better than traditional backup solutions - and ensures that your business can continue if something happens to your data.
Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS)
DRaaS is not yet widely used in Africa, but internationally, customers are enthusiastic about DRaaS. With this solution, your business-critical systems or, for example, your web shop will continue with us despite malware and hacker attacks if you are exposed to power failure or the like. The problem could also be fire, flood or common hardware failure. The solution is a copy of your entire infrastructure 1: 1 so you will avoid downtime in case of the above circumstances. If your operation is down, it continues safely and safely with us - right away.
Archive-as-a-Service (AaaS)
Here is the archive solution that secures your data in a cost-effective and flexible way. AaaS is our Cloud Object Storage solution based on IBM technology. Here you can combine a scalable and secure cloud solution with minimal cost. Your data is secured by IBM, which has extremely high data security requirements without compromising on accessibility to your data. This is our newest addition to the portfolio and enables your business to store outdated data for a very long time, thereby ensuring that you can restore any copy of the past.
Backup Office 365-as-a-Service (O365aaS)
Last but not least, we offer the solution that protects your software, and here, in particular, focus on Office 365 data. Today, Office 365 is one of the most used solutions in companies both in Denmark and abroad. The challenge lies in the fact that data is often lost due to a retention of 1-3 months. Are you aware that Microsoft is running a Shared Responsibility model that for you means that you are responsible for your data while Microsoft is solely responsible for the infrastructure and availability itself? With O365aaS, we help you increase your retention. Then your data is secured.