FSJ Retrust
IBM Trusteer is a portfolio of digital identity trust software products belonging to IBM Security. Through cloud-based intelligence, backed by AI and patented machine learning, Trusteer provides a holistic approach to identifying new and existing customers, without negatively impacting user experience.
To prevent fraud, IBM Trusteer relies on 43 billion sessions each month to detect and identify true customers and fraudsters. The software is able to take device, user, activity, behavioural biometrics and other patterns into account, leaving your customers protected. When IBM Trusteer detects risk, you get to decide how you want to handle fraudsters trying to impersonate your true customers, compromise accounts or steal payment information or even personal data.
We are proud to offer it as a bundle, specially tailored to the SME Market in Africa
Why do we do it?
We've seen an increase in online threats, where criminals exploit fake or stolen credit cards or make takeovers across Africa. Impacting basically any industry who is digital, e.g. banking, insurance, retail, etc. Takeover means, for example, Your account will be taken over by hackers and often without you being aware of it and they will empty your account for money or similar. The same is often the bonus and loyalty programs, where bonus points are stolen and used or stolen and sold on. This creates an unfortunate situation for both the company and the customer. The company gets a bad reputation and has to repay money, bonus points etc., which means that a deficit is created because of the fraud. All these cases have frightened both our customers, the consumer and us in any.cloud. That's why we focused on IBM because we hoped that with their market-leading software they could help fight these cyber threats. And quite right! IBM Trusteer was already in the process of fighting digital scams for 600 banks around the world, and with 43 billion visitors a month, they protect them with bravery.
How does ReTrust work?
IBM Trusteer is a unique product that gives you full protection because it takes many different factors into the equation such as device ID, passive biometrics and risk assessment. The service identifies which users of your application have real intentions and who does not. Well-known scammers will therefore not be able to steal, hack or cheat people on your website or mobile app, leaving the consumer in a secure state without having to do anything. If that happens in your business, ReTrust can help you solve the challenges that result in loss of bonus points, fake profiles, identity theft, etc. ReTrust collects data from billions of sessions from IBM Trustees that can intercept the fraudsters. IBM Trustees know how the cyber criminals operate, and we, in conjunction with the given company, can ensure how it is blocked. This could e.g. be by showing a 404 page or a message that "Our website is temporarily down". In this way, no fraud can be made in your company's name and without the scammer he actually has been discovered.
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