FSJ Solutions LTD


Blog tagged as finance

Rural Wifi - BLUETOWN - A Recap
FSJ Solutions in partnership with BLUETOWN has identified rural areas within South Africa that could benefit immensely from the BLUETOWN solution.
27.01.20 07:21 AM - Comment(s)
Global Sociability Index 2020 South Africa - The FSJ Solution
The latest Global Social Mobility Index for 2020 has just been released and ranks South Africa 69th out of 82 countries in terms of access to technology.
21.01.20 07:29 AM - Comment(s)
Rural Wifi - A Solution

Imagine for a moment how connected you are to those around you. Picture your cellphone, your tablet or laptop. See your social accounts, your searches and your browser history.

Did you picture it? Good!

Now imagine a world without all that. Picture yourself living in a place so rural that access to an...

13.01.20 07:11 AM - Comment(s)